Cactus Communities

Cactus Communities

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.” 
That is a quote by Ani DiFranco about the value of community to an individuals' well being which has become the inspiration for this weeks blog post. If the saying resonates with you or if you are among the many that are simply looking for friends with a shared interest in cacti, then read on, because we are going to cover the most common communities available to you.

What are Cactus and Succulent Societies?

Cactus and Succulent Societies are organizations dedicated to the study, cultivation, and conservation of cacti and succulent plants. These societies bring together plant enthusiasts, hobbyists, and experts who share a passion for these unique and fascinating plants.  Typically, there is a small annual membership fee that will gain you the access to special events, publications and more.  

Why are Cactus and Succulent Societies Important?

Cactus and Succulent Societies play a crucial role in promoting the understanding and appreciation of these plants. Here are a few reasons why they are important:

1. Knowledge Sharing: Cactus and Succulent Societies provide a platform for members to share their knowledge and experiences. Isn't knowledge sharing the source of all human progress, after all? Through regular meetings, workshops, and online forums, members can learn from each other and gain valuable insights into the care, propagation, and identification of cacti and succulents.

2. Conservation Efforts: Many cactus and succulent species are endangered due to habitat loss and illegal collection. Cactus and Succulent Societies often collaborate with botanical gardens, conservation organizations, and government agencies to protect and preserve these plants in their natural habitats.

3. Plant Exchanges and Sales: Societies often organize plant exchanges and sales where members can acquire new and rare species of cacti and succulents. These events not only provide an opportunity to expand one's collection but also contribute to the financial sustainability of the societies.


Where Can You Join a Cactus Community?

If you're interested in joining a Cactus and Succulent Society, here are a few places to start:

1. Local Societies: Many cities and regions have their own Cactus and Succulent Societies. A quick internet search or a visit to your local botanical garden can help you find one near you. Many societies will offer virtual access to meetings and events for any member that is too far or cannot make the trip to the physical location. 

2. Online Communities: In addition to local societies, there are numerous online communities dedicated to cacti and succulents. These communities provide a platform for plant enthusiasts from around the world to connect, share knowledge, and seek advice.  Here are the ones found on Facebook Lost Tag likes:

  1. The Trichocereus Community
  2. Trichocereus and Echinopsis Growers Worldwide
  3. Trichocereus Origin and History
  4. The Cactus Cult
  5. Cactus Cartel

Or these ones from Reddit

  1. r/trichocereus
  2. r/sanpedrocactus

3. Large Organizations: There are also international organizations, such as the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA), that welcome members from all over the globe. These organizations often publish journals and organize conferences, offering a wealth of information and networking opportunities. 

Joining a Cactus and Succulent forum is a fantastic way to deepen or share your knowledge, connect with fellow plant lovers, and contribute to the conservation of these incredible plants. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced grower, there's a community waiting to welcome you into the fold. 

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