It has been pouring rain for two days here in Lost Tag's neck of the woods, so this is a perfect time to talk about our favorite cactus variety: the trichocereus! When you think of cacti, you probably imagine them thriving in the hot, arid deserts ...cracking beers and telling jokes about the goats eating Bob's new base pup... (Ah, just me on that last part then, huh?.) However, not all cacti are created equal. Trichocereus, also known as San Pedro cacti, are a unique group of cacti that actually prefer a bit more water and shade. In fact, they evolved in mountainous regions with higher rainfall. If you live in a rainy zone, choosing trichocereus for your cacti collection is a smart move (plus they look cool, duh).

Why do trichocereus cacti like water?

Unlike their desert-dwelling counterparts, trichocereus cacti have adapted to a different environment. (I am gonna shorten this to "trichos" going forward in this blog because there is only so many times this writer can write out "trichocereus" and not lose their minds. Apparently my limit was six...) They have developed the ability to store water in their stems, allowing them to withstand periods of drought. However, they still require regular watering to thrive.  Trichos evolved in the mountainous regions of Ecuador and Peru and received moisture from the rain and fog making them well-suited for areas with higher rainfall.

Are trichos suitable for rainy zones?

Absolutely! Trichos are an excellent choice for those living in rainy zones. Their ability to tolerate more water makes them less prone to dehydration and allows them to take advantage of the increased moisture in the air. In fact, these cacti can thrive in areas with up to 40 inches of rainfall per year. If anything, if you live a dry or arid zone you may struggle to keep these cacti as happy as the other varieties in your collection.

How to care for trichos in rainy zones?

While trichos are more forgiving when it comes to water, it's still important to provide them with proper care. Here are a few tips to ensure your trichos thrive in a rainy zone:

1. Well-draining soil: Trichos prefer soil that drains well to prevent waterlogged roots. Use a cactus mix or add lava rock to improve drainage.

2. Adequate sunlight: While they can tolerate more shade than desert cacti, they still require a good amount of sunlight. Place them in a location where they get morning sun and afternoon shade. 

3. Watering frequency: In rainy zones, you may not need to water your tricho as frequently as you would desert cacti. Monitor the moisture levels in the soil and water only when the top inch of soil is dry.

4. Protection from excessive rain: While they can handle more water, prolonged exposure to heavy rain can still be detrimental. Consider providing them with some shelter during periods of heavy rainfall to prevent root rot.

Why choose a tricho for your collection?

Trichos offer a unique and beautiful addition to any cacti collection. Their large flowers and interesting columnar growth make them a standout among other cacti species. Additionally, their ability to thrive in rainy zones gives collectors in these areas the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of cacti without the worry of constant drought conditions.

So, if you live in a rainy zone and have been hesitant to start a cacti collection, look no further than the trichocereus (oops, snuck the full word in one more time). With their unusual love for water and shade, they are the perfect choice for your cacti oasis. 


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